James Barnes

Description: James Barnes brokers many slaving voyages in the Clagett Risk Book and provides key testimony on behalf of Lloyd’s in 1810 to protect their monopoly over private underwriting. Wright and Fayle suggest that Barnes is a close ally of Joseph Marryat and was a member of the Lloyd’s Committee in the 1820’s.
Citations/Sources: “Testimony of James Barnes,” in The Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons, Appointed To Consider of the Act of the Sixth of George the First, and of the State and Means of Effecting Marine Insurances. Laid before the House of the 18th of April 1810. To Which Are Added, the Minutes of Evidence with an Appendix of Accounts. (London: Special Committee at Lloyd’s, 1810). |Wright, Charles, and Charles Earnest Fayle. A History of Lloyd’s, from the Founding of Lloyd’s Coffee House to the Present Day. Corporation of Lloyd’s, 1928.