Reference Number: L0455/5
Date: 25 January 1813
Provenance: Presented to Lloyd’s by the Bank of England, 1987

Description: Printed Ship and Goods ‘SG’ Policy for the ship ‘Claude Scott’ to sail from Liverpool to Demerara, the master was Cowley. The agent was Richard Oliverson by order of John Gladstone and Grant & Company. The policy was underwritten in London. Gladstone was a major owner of enslaved peoples and plantations in Jamaica and British Guiana, a West Indian merchant and slave trader. The policy specifies the insurance from the Success Plantation of Demerara, which John Gladstone purchased half of this estate in 1811. He fully purchased the Success estate in 1816 and in the 1835 compensation scheme was awarded £22274 18s 9d for 429 enslaved people.

Notes: See the research on Gladstone and his company: For more information on ship and voyage policies see the Underwriting Souls exhibition “insuring the Guipuzcoa”.